If you have pets or small children you need to be aware of the plants that may be a danger to have in your garden or indoors as houseplants.
Common poisonous plants like Aloe, Ivy, African violets, Chrysanthemum, and Poinsettia are potential problems if chewed on by pets and toddlers. Be careful to do some research on the plants before you buy. Even outside shrubs, trees and perennials can be a danger.
Some of the common plants for outside in gardens to beware of are Ferns, Petunia, Begonia, Boxwood, Daffodil, Maple tree, Poppies, Yew. You may not be an expert in plant identity so look up or ask others if they can help. If you plan on planting some shrubs and trees you should decide where and what you want to plant and ask at the nursery or garden center before you buy. Sometimes you may receive plants for gifts and think nothing of it, but they also could be a danger if not placed out of reach. BEGONIA: Leaves and sap are very toxic so beware. Also be warned to keep African violets up high where children and pets can't pick and eat the flowers or foliage.
Common House Plants that are Poisonous
Aloe Vera juice in stems
Amaryllis bulb
Azalea all parts
Bird of Paradise seeds
Caladium(Angels Trumpet) all parts
Crown of Thorns sap
Cyclamen bulb
Croton all parts
Chrysanthemum leaves and stems
Dieffenbachia all parts
English Ivy leaves
Jeruselem Cherry fruit and leaves
Kalanchoe leaves and stems
Poinsettia leaves, stems, sap
Philodendron leaves
Swiss Cheese Plant leaves
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