Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Antique plants

It's a good idea to have a few more sturdy Groups of plants in your garden. They tend to be very strong varieties and live longer than the new hybrid plants of today. The old name plants have been around since Medieval Times. They are simple and easy to use with other plants by adding antique varieties you can be sure that you help continue these species for future gardeners.


Many seeds can be found at plant sales or traded with family friends. Some can be found in seed catalogs or on the Internet. Be sure to dry and save your seeds and place in envelopes with the name and color and so on for future reference. You can divide root cuttings of hardy plants to share with others and keep the old flowers preserved for the future. Herbs like Lavender, Thyme, Chives, Parsley are also in this group and are easy to grow. Flowers to try are Iris, Snapdragon, Sweet pea, Day lily. Salvia, Dill, Yarrow, Lambs Ears, Basil, Borage and Artemesia have been used for hundreds of years for medicinal and culinary purposes.


Also plant some different types of tomato, squash, onion, garlic, and beans. They are all very simple to grow in gardens or pots.

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