All summer the most thrilling guests to visit a garden are the flying variety. If you plant what they like and provide food, shelter, water and a resting place many wonderful flying visitors will stop by. Butterflies like sunny warm sheltered spots. Provide a stone path, rocks, gravel or bricks for them to perch. They drink water from wet mud so leave a pot or dish of wet sand on the edge of a path.
The white Admiral
Butterflies like some colors more than others. Their favorite are purple white pink and yellow. Also the shape of blooms is important. They tend to go to tube shape flowers like coneflower and beebalm. The Monarch lays eggs on milkweed. When they hatch the larvae eat the leaves. Some butterflies like plants like parsley and dill. Plant a few things that attracts them and they will come. Try to have some that bloom early in summer and others for late summer and fall. Native plants like Milkweed and wildflowers like Queens Anne Lace and Blue Chicory.
Monarch Butterfly
The Comma
The Painted Lady
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