Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Container gardens



Designs for a small deck, porch or balcony can still provide enough space to grow a few pots, boxes or a half barrel with flowers or herbs. Leave some room for seating to enjoy your plants. A sunny spot will need a piece of lattice or umbrella to provide some shade. Otherwise you will be watering your plants 3 times a day. Pots can be hung from hooks or on walls. Hanging pots, boxes and containers on the railing will save space. You can grow vines up a trellis if it's anchored in a large planter.


Be sure to start with good soil and don't forget fertilizer. Time release pellets can be added to pots to keep plants healthy as you water. Choose plants that do well in the type of light you have in your space. Lining containers with moss can absorb water and help them from drying out. Another option is a dish garden for succulents, cactus and small alpine plants. They are very drought tolerant so you don't have to water as much and most of them stay small. This allows you to move them easily when it's time to  winterize. Large pots or planter boxes need to be lined with foam, then can be easily covered for winter. The herbs like lavender and mint do well in planters and are very hardy. Try small varieties of hosta or sedum in large pots.


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