Thursday, June 13, 2019

Seasonal care of the garden

Care for outdoor containers or window boxes, planters, large pots and hanging baskets requires you to remove all the plants. Each spring you can add new soil and plants or replant any perennials you have over wintered. Containers are ideal for balconies, decks and patios but they need more watering than soil gardens, as they dry out quickly. You may need to add time release fertilizer to the potting soil or buy fertilizer that dissolves in water. Try planting a dish garden with herbs or succulents that need very little water or attention for sunny locations. Large containers can be lined with moss to help hold moisture.

Keep them sheltered from harsh winds and hot direct sun all day. Planters are good for placing in front of fences, walls, drainpipes or other unsightly eyesores. If you plant some drought tolerant plants together they should do well as they are suited for and thrive in dry conditions. They will not need as much care, direct sun or require special soil. Most annuals do fine in tubs, containers or baskets because they are bred to be compact and flower all through the summer season. You can pack a lot together for a big show of color. Below is an example of a window box full of Purple Petunia with a large impact.


Annuals are easy to care for if you trim off stems that are setting seeds. This promotes branching and new growth so you will have blooms all season. Perennials that bloom at different times can add charm in a large planter, so maintenance is easy. Deadhead the spent blooms once or twice a week to keep your pot garden looking good. Clean out weeds as you see them or apply mulch to cut down on work. Take a walk through the garden daily to look for pests who damage foliage or check out seedlings that may require some extra care or water. On extra hot days they may be stressed and wilting from too much sun. Newly planted seedlings will need water often until they are rooted. This applies to vegetables too. You can group together the plants that have similar needs. Space them close so they won’t dry out as fast. Raised beds are also an option to help reduce watering and keep weeds down to a minimum. If you know some one handy you can have custom planting tables made in any size to fit your needs. These are excellent for growing herbs and veggies, are portable and require little bending.

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