Thursday, May 28, 2020

Perennials that bloom in June

When the weather gets warm at the end of May with temperatures of 20 to 25C the early summer plants start to bloom. Solomon seal likes wet shade, has 20 inch tall arching stems with white flowers hanging all along the stem. Columbine likes part sun and shade locations and blooms by the first of June. They come in many colors. Bleeding hearts also like shade or part sun, grow 20 to 25 inches tall and blooms late in May or early June. They have pink heart shaped flowers and lacy foliage.



Bellflower grows in sun or part shade in most any type of soil, with blue flowers on 20 inch stems in June to July. Dropwort and lily of the valley also bloom by the first of June. By mid to late June we have lots more flowers like the bright yellow moneywort, scarlet and pink coral bells, carpathian bellflower, beautiful Baptisia, dianthus pinks, Japanese iris and many varieties of roses. Also included are the miniature iris in white, purple and yellow that last until hot temperatures arrive. They are very versatile because they grow in any type of soil, any type of light condition and spread by rhizome division easily.



The majestic tall Lupines are beginning to bloom in the first week of June. They are available in pinks, purple and yellow. They like mainly full sun and grow 24-36 inches tall. Plant in any type of soil and divide the roots every three to four years. They are very easy to grow from seeds.